I remember how people were scared after the attacks on September 11th. Over many years, good people on a quest to reveal with credible sources and research by tenacious patriots seeking the truth to expose false flag terror is a real threat to liberty to a people. The evidence has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville Pennsylvania was a false flag attack by our government to instill fear in the people to advance an agenda. The only half-truth that day that was spoken by President Bush was Freedom was attacked. It was not by Muslims living in caves so we are scared of people wearing turbans as they portrayed . It was done by our own government creating a major event with loss of life to scare people into accepting a solution under normal circumstances would not even consider ever allowing to happen. Government induced fear by false flag events to steal our liberties in the name of national security fighting a perceived enemy is the formula they use to advance an agenda.
People were afraid of Muslims because they might be with Al Quada. They might attack us was the talking points of the day. The mass hysteria and paranoia that if Muslims talked in a group in a mosque or at the park, they are plotting an attack, and we better be very afraid of them. The whole propaganda machine was selling fear that we need to surrender our rights for safety. This has created a tyrannical nightmare strangling our own freedoms and liberties in the name of the war on terror. It is time we think for ourselves and decide what is best for us. Never put what we can do for ourselves in the hands of a distant government out of fear of a perceived threat fictional or not.
All dictators used fear of staged events like burning of the Reichstag all the way to the attack to the Oklahoma City bombing to demonize political enemies so the people will fear the opposition.This willl give the government the excuse to abuse a group of people as enemies of the state. The State of Texas might have fallen short restraining the TSA at the airports groping travelers as a condition to travel. It seems fear tactics are not working anymore with the people. It just works for politicians who want to be reelected. We can start to see major Airports starting to opt out of TSA screening passengers due to the pressure of tourist industry to do something to spur the local economies. When we see the government power is under a threat from the state of Texas because they are getting ready to assert state’s rights. We can see these staged events like with the Shoe bomber were people could take off their shoes. Not to forget the Underwear Bomber who was allowed to board a plane without a visa or passport to justify placing the full body scanners in all the airports. The government is using fear tactics to justify taking our freedoms to protect us as they say always. They might stage an event of a rectal bomber exploding in an airport to justify the groping when it really starts coming under fire like never before. A false flag event will be used to silence the opposition to groping can go on with a rectal exam. The sky is the limit of what lengths they will go to hold onto power.
We now see Mayor Bloomberg using Adam Pearlman as a poster child for gun control saying Al Quada is going to gun shows and will massacre innocent people as a fear tactic. If it does happen where a false flag results in deaths in a public place or soft targets where many people gather at once. They will use the firefighter carrying wounded children out as they did during the Oklahoma City bombing to try to scare the public tugging at people’s emotions blaming the second Amendment for this tragedy.Id they stage an event in Chicago or New York were gun control has disarmed the people. This will further show gun control is a failure because people armed with a CCW could have stopped the attack before it started if people were allowed to defend themselves.
We must remember never let fear rob us of our common sense to think things through; always ask questions and be skeptical . Never give into government-induced fear of the boogeyman will come and get us if we do not surrender our freedoms so they can protect us. I have a feeling they will try to use fear to attack liberty to justify checkpoints and further invasions of our privacy. As the days, go by. The war on terror is now the biggest hoax and a blank check to attack our way of life as the people see today. I am worn out on fear now to the point of being numb to it. I am to the point now I do not get scared at a phantom enemy anymore and starting to ask questions about what is real and true compared to the official story. Never let fear steal commons sense anymore. It is still legal to think.
People were afraid of Muslims because they might be with Al Quada. They might attack us was the talking points of the day. The mass hysteria and paranoia that if Muslims talked in a group in a mosque or at the park, they are plotting an attack, and we better be very afraid of them. The whole propaganda machine was selling fear that we need to surrender our rights for safety. This has created a tyrannical nightmare strangling our own freedoms and liberties in the name of the war on terror. It is time we think for ourselves and decide what is best for us. Never put what we can do for ourselves in the hands of a distant government out of fear of a perceived threat fictional or not.
All dictators used fear of staged events like burning of the Reichstag all the way to the attack to the Oklahoma City bombing to demonize political enemies so the people will fear the opposition.This willl give the government the excuse to abuse a group of people as enemies of the state. The State of Texas might have fallen short restraining the TSA at the airports groping travelers as a condition to travel. It seems fear tactics are not working anymore with the people. It just works for politicians who want to be reelected. We can start to see major Airports starting to opt out of TSA screening passengers due to the pressure of tourist industry to do something to spur the local economies. When we see the government power is under a threat from the state of Texas because they are getting ready to assert state’s rights. We can see these staged events like with the Shoe bomber were people could take off their shoes. Not to forget the Underwear Bomber who was allowed to board a plane without a visa or passport to justify placing the full body scanners in all the airports. The government is using fear tactics to justify taking our freedoms to protect us as they say always. They might stage an event of a rectal bomber exploding in an airport to justify the groping when it really starts coming under fire like never before. A false flag event will be used to silence the opposition to groping can go on with a rectal exam. The sky is the limit of what lengths they will go to hold onto power.
We now see Mayor Bloomberg using Adam Pearlman as a poster child for gun control saying Al Quada is going to gun shows and will massacre innocent people as a fear tactic. If it does happen where a false flag results in deaths in a public place or soft targets where many people gather at once. They will use the firefighter carrying wounded children out as they did during the Oklahoma City bombing to try to scare the public tugging at people’s emotions blaming the second Amendment for this tragedy.Id they stage an event in Chicago or New York were gun control has disarmed the people. This will further show gun control is a failure because people armed with a CCW could have stopped the attack before it started if people were allowed to defend themselves.
We must remember never let fear rob us of our common sense to think things through; always ask questions and be skeptical . Never give into government-induced fear of the boogeyman will come and get us if we do not surrender our freedoms so they can protect us. I have a feeling they will try to use fear to attack liberty to justify checkpoints and further invasions of our privacy. As the days, go by. The war on terror is now the biggest hoax and a blank check to attack our way of life as the people see today. I am worn out on fear now to the point of being numb to it. I am to the point now I do not get scared at a phantom enemy anymore and starting to ask questions about what is real and true compared to the official story. Never let fear steal commons sense anymore. It is still legal to think.