Saturday, October 29, 2011

Freedom Watch Oct 29, 2011 Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialist Protesters at Occupy Wall Street and Talks About Life in Soviet Russia


  1. This appears to be a staged confrontation to push the "OWS are all commies" smear. OWS isn't supporting socialism, they are opposing fascism aka corporatism.

  2. Somehow that is not how I see it.
    He is simply educating the socialist in America who have not lived what or how he has lived and survived. I tend to believe people who actually went through the "socialist" experience instead of a toothless cigarette smoker like this woman.

  3. Yes, yes according to FOX whores the World is flat and Netanyahu is Gabriel!! FU.

  4. North Korea spends a lot of it resource on up keep on a 1,000,000 men army do to USA is a superpower that has nuclear weapons and is there on the peninsula and Japan with its military . They do not want to fall victim to USA capitalist as Libya did recently and Iraq . US is at fault mostly to thier economic problem do to this up keep of thier army., and US propagandist like it that way so they can point to the North and say look at them .; How bad it is. The North's problem as in Cuba is US doing. and is criminal of US to do it. Cuba survived the US tyranny and so will the North Koreans unless a Libya is done on them ; But it would be a major military conflict do to China would not tolerate it nor would Russia. This US Russian person propagates US propaganda of the 1% and that is all what this is . i hope the 99% is wising up to it also as it is wising up to the 1% and thier economy and the Bank-sters.

  5. You dear blogger, have been pwnd by the comments. Please sit tight in Texas watching Fox News while we protest the Corporatocracy that has control of our nation.

  6. I've heard in the Soviet Union they got free vodka and didn't have to pay rent. Aside from that, all the accounts I've heard sound pretty much like life in modern day America.

  7. It should be understood that tyrannical governments when shifting from a more open society to a closed society, NEED revolution in order to do this (its controlled opposition). They do not care and in fact desire as many different flavors of it as they can get. They WANT the gay-rights activists, they WANT the patriots, they WANT the collectivist (socialist, democratist, communist etc. etc.), the WANT the christian protestors, and the animal rights and human rights activists to protest in the streets ALL AT ONCE, without this they cannot "normalize" the situation, "normalize" is soviet terminology for military force to normalize the situation. They then round up all the protesters regardless if their cause was for or against them, and shoot them or enslave them in work camps. This shows the rest of society that they will not hesitate to do this to them. Capitalism IS corpratism/facism, its brought in by allowing monopolies, to be treated with the same rights as a human being, and allowing them to lobby, declare imminent domain. While I identify with the protests and feel their pain, but they have no idea what is coming, they will be rounded up after the shift to total collectivism, and shot. This is just the sad truth of the matter, history of the victors is manufactured, history of the victims is truth, they have no reason to lie because they are being murdered, jailed, hunted down and persecuted. The coming global hegemony will be collectivist, and horrible persecution will follow. There is not a spot in history where that has NOT occurred with a world ruling power.

  8. Ah! Now we understand why Napolitano has a job.
    Hmmm...Jaffe...attacking Occupy Wall Street. With the tired old "at least it's better than the Soviet Union" (hello, what isn't).

    Interesting what kind of name is that? What affiliation would he have? Maybe we can figure it out: who's running the big banks? The Federal Reserve? The Treasury?

  9. Though this Russian guy is small enterpreneur, he is a big liar and even bigger hypocrite. Why concentrate only on one aspect of failed socialist experiment in Soviet Union.? Yes there was no market and business was generally prohibited. But the was 0% unemployment, free education , free health care. Ask Russians and 90% will tell you that they would better be living in Soviet Union then in modern capitalist Russia.
    And how the events in Oacland and Denver differ from how the authorities in Soviet Union would have reacted?
    He had to bring North Korea comparison, as otherwise he would not be able to put his point across. Why didn't he brought up a Norway, that is more socialist then capitalist country? Why not compare with China? This hypocricy reminds me of the argument many ignorant americans do when they drug poor Cuba into comparison. They seem to be absolutly unaware of the fact that US imposed illegal, unlawfull economic blocade on Cuba for over 50 years now, despite numerous UN resolutions.
    There is an alternative to imperialist capitalism/corporatism/fashism that is now in America. So stop threatening people with North Korea livings standarts or Soviet Union lack of freedoms.

  10. Sorry but, the utter failure of OWS is what I count on. The elites piss in your face LAUGHING! When you fail and you will, in all outcomes they remain in power like before - there is a chance we move closer to civil war, the only chance we really have. OWS MORE! I want them to send in the army and shoot you. Blood of Patriots. THat is what it takes. Did the marines rise up for their brother? Nope. Only good ending to OWS is your deaths. That will advance the cause. You expose evil by making it show how evil it is. Protest away. Stop pretending you can win. You can't. They are ignoring you.

  11. and yes, the accomodation in Soviet Union was free! the was a posibility to buy a property in case one is not happy with what goverment provides. I've been living in UK for 20 years now and can state that while modern Russian is taking and implementing the best what was in the West, the West is taking and implementing the worst that was in Soviet Union.

  12. When peaceful revolution becomes impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitalbe JFK
    Totally agree with previous comment. It is illusion that OWS can achieve anything by peaceful protestes. Stop being delusional! You are not living in Democracy, so no changes could be achieved democraticaly, peacefully or through the ballot.
    1% will not give anything away without fight!

  13. Wow, this guy Jaffe just exposed himself for what he really is. A lying crook. He did not leave USSR because of religious persecution, he ran because he was one of those crooks (Jewish oligarchs) who are still persecuted for their greed of dishonest gain and robbing Russian people of their resources. No normal "religious" folk had access to fraudulent documents, BTW. Also, what Jaffe is talking about is profiteering (a crime). He didn't want to produce anything, he wanted to take something that was available to all "for a dollar, and sell it for two", ripping people off. This guy is a 1%-er who was kicked out of USSR. I bet that he's in some kind of an illegitimate business, that's why he didn't say what he does.
    As someone who lived in USSR, I agree with some posters above who said that up to '89-'90 there was virtually no unemployment (you were guaranteed a job, or jailed if refused), free education, and free or low-cost housing (if unable to afford your own). Nobody was starving on the streets either. The only disadvantage of that system that I can remember is low production, and thus availability, of luxury items (high-end electronics, cars, etc.)

  14. The problem is found in the lie of people talking about official systems. Corruption is not an official system. Police crime is not an official system. The crooks in power have no reason to care what 'system' you have. They won't follow it. This socialism fantasy world comes with the attached lie that with socialism comes the magical fantasy world of honest politicians. It don't. Honesty requires freedom. The only honest media I get is rogue media. All official system media is lies. Human nature can't be legislated away. Power corrupts - always. People with connections get the best. People without connections get crapped on. I already have the perfect system. My leaders ignore the laws. I don't have a free press. I don't have separation of synagogue and state. I don't have fair elections. The USSR was CORRUPT SHIT. If America had a judicial branch of government, maybe the corruption would be cut back. We don't have one. The executive branch 'informs' the fake judicial branch when it should and should not do its job. The executive branch rarely 'orders' the judicial to prosecute anything. And your 'low production luxury' DID find its way into the hands of the connected. It did. Right out of 1984. The 'elites' in the USSR, did get the luxury goods. They had no shortage. The slaves had shortage.
