Sunday, March 13, 2011

True Heros Do Exist and Miracles Still Do Happen in Japan

         It always amazes me the triumphant human spirit overcoming their fears and does the impossible.They do not go to school to learn how to be hero. They are average people who were carrying on with their daily lives going to work or taking care of their families. They never asked to be a hero and they never asked for an earthquake either. They walk among us.They are our neighbors and member os our families.
         We will read about the devastation and the chaos that follows any natural disaster. We will see the panic and terror in people's eyes. Out of it all. The hero will rise to the occasion and do the extraordinary to pull off the miraculous. They are not looking for glory and fanfare. They are helping those in need not thinking of their own personal safety taking personal risk.We may mourn the dead of Japan,But we must also celebrate it heroes too.
          One person who did above and beyond the call of duty was rescuer  is Paul Rodwell of New Zealand who led his team of Fire and rescue personal to get people out who were trapped from the Canterbury TV Building who were buried under concrete.Regardless of the aftershocks with debris that might have been falling down on top of them.They too were at risk being trapped too. They took the personal risk and never abandoned those in need. This blog goes out to all the News has not reported. To those we do not know their names and may never will who responded to their neighbor in need in the aftermath of the earthquake. My hat is off to you.
          Even in were this great sorrow in all these quakes because of great tragedy.With all the mishaps too that happens. Miracles do happen. I remember reading after the San Fransisco Earthquake. I recall reading about when the freeway collapsed on the cars below. A person crushed in their own car was still alive after days trapped inside crushed metal. I remember on Thanksgiving day in 1999 when a couple of days before.Elian Gonzalez boat sank along with his mother trying to get to freedom in America. Little Elian after all the exposure to the elements.Floating on a tire tube for days.Elian survived to tell his story.That is a miracle in itself
          Now after the major earthquake in Japan and the giant tsunami that crashed on the shores. A man was found 10 miles out in the sea clinging to the roof of his house. He was pulled back out to the ocean when the waters receded from the giant seismic wave. He is still alive which is a miracle in itself. As we may mourn for all who have lost people close in Japan. Lets not forget the heroes and miracles which tell me when things do go bad. Good people will step forward to do the impossible and miracles still do happen.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, but please use complete sentences.
