Friday, March 18, 2011

New York Federal Reserve Intervenes in the Currency Market to Devalue the Japanese Yen

                In more than ten years. The New York Federal Reserve stepped into the currency markets to buy Euros to prop up the fledgling European markets.Now the Federal Reserve seek to weaken the Japanese Yen that rose to it highest levels since World War two. I wonder why they are doing this after Japan is suffering the ravages of a major earthquake. This was disclosed by the New York Federal Reserve Bank in a coordinated effort other industrialized nations.
                This why we the people here want to end the Federal Reserve Bank is because the manipulation of the currencies. The power to issue the currency is be in the hands of the people and not in the hands of a private bank. When the Federal Reserve Act because law in 1913.Everything they said this central bank would prevent all happened. The New York Federal Reserve branch should not be involved in currency manipulation for profit.This is what happens when the issuance of the currency is in the hands of robber barons and not in the hands of the people.
                  This is the group on Wall Street that never lets a good crisis go to waste even if it means kicking a country when it is down going through a crisis. I hope this backfires on them trying to devalue the yen. This is why we need to end the Federal Reserve System and go back to a silver backed currency so banksters like the New York Federal Reserve can not manipulate the currency.

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