Friday, August 19, 2011

Rick Perry Tries to Get Out of Ticket - Texas State Trooper Dashcam


  1. The mannerisms suggest something to hide. I bet governor good hair had some drugs that was not marijuana judging the drivers behaviour. The nervousness displayed by the driver would have earned us peons at the very least a cursory search of the vehicle. Rick Perry deserves two swats from a Texas Rangers Baseball Bat for trying to place himself above the resident citizens of the Republic of Texas. There are no rulers in this state, only servants and citizens. He is a servant. But he is bought and paid for by the soviet banker fag cabal, and they know that a finely tweaked scope is aimed at their skulls. It Ends Soon.


  2. From Steve: "and they know that a finely tweaked scope is aimed at their skulls. It Ends Soon."

    SO BE IT!

  3. GUILTY!

    google "rick perry likes little boys"
