Friday, April 1, 2011

Texas Rising Video Trailer


  1. With the new Hispanic majority in Texas it may need to go back to being a territory or return to being part of Mexico. The education there is the worst in the country so perhaps Mexico can do a better job. At least Mexico has universal health care. the white population can relocate to other parts of the country.

  2. If Texas really does become independent and free, they'll have to erect 30' fences around the perimeter to keep millions of people from moving there. Make Ron Paul the king of Texas and hang Rick Perry.

  3. Sad to say that the comment to education applies to the brainwashed of all states. Something called the no state project has appeared on the net to attempt to inform us of the susceptibility of incorporated states to patriarchal militarism vs convenient enemies within and without. Only one thing can [possibly] prevent mankind from extinction because of this fact and it seem,s unlikely given the sad "states" of mind and the gulf between them. That one thing is humility before the divine Father Mother of all creation, and the awakening to Cosmic Unity.

  4. maybe that is why they want to to break away the fed controls the schools and refuses to close the borders. why don't you search the you tube site for the hospital worker in florida that explains why that state has such a health care problem . arizona too the flood of illeagles across the boarders taking free medical care that DOES exist in this country is destroying the system , if the feds can not fix it the separate states can.Bravo Texas
