Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Selling the Obama's Media Illusion Exposed

             I have to disagree with Alex Jones on Obama giving a speech on the road saying he will bypass Congress to implement decrees without a vote from congress. He done this wit the war in Libya, implementing Cap and Trade policies by EPA regulatory Power. I do not buy the crowd cheering this at all. This is all a staged event to make it look like the President needs to usurp the powers of congress to save America with a crowd giving a standing ovation. The truth is, these people are actors in the crowd to do a Psy-op on the people thinking there is support for this when there is none. He had to resort to that because his former supporters and volunteers were heckling him everywhere he was giving a appearance.

            Many Americans are concerned about Obama not going to congress when he started a war with Israel or implementing Cap and trade with a law. But using the EPA regulatory process to enforce it. The tea party not only placed what they thought was a Conservative congress to stop the out of control spending. But to keep the Presidents power in check. This is the only president that has really defied the Constitution more brazenly then his predecessors. Who has thumbed his nose at the will of the people. He is the most hated man in America now. These people surrounding him are hand picked people and actors. How do I know. Leyt me tell you.

           About 15 years ago when I lived in the Tampa Bay area. I signed on to an acting agency for small parts. Never did any acting work. Just a crowd fill in for the movie Oceans 11. Well there was a position to be on the Jerry Springer show. They wanted me to be a redneck who wants to marry his cousin. The woman who would play my cousin was not really my cousin, but worked at the Mas Venus in Tampa as an exotic dancer. It is sad these people are paid actors to act like deviants on his show. I turned down that position because it could haunt me in the years to come if anyone found out. besides, I have a code of ethics and my personal dignity. You could not pay me enough to be an Obama fill in, a ditto head caller or a act like a immoral idiot for money on Jerry's show, I have too much self respect to do that.

           Just remember these people cheering Obama selling tyranny are actors and hand picked Democrat suckers that would vote for Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot if they were on the president ticket. Do not be discouraged at the choreographed at this public relations stunt. They are paid actors, just like to callers on the Rush Limbaugh and the Sean Hannidy show are paid actors too to sell the illusion everyone agrees with the host. So do not fall for a crowd full of paid actors to make you think everyone love the President, they do not. This is one of many public relations stunts used to maintain this illusion that is now quickly failing. So do not lose heart. The illusion is fading and the truth is prevailing.


  1. Right you are, realman2020. See the clips of the same group of actors showing up for the cameras on 9-11, the Columbine shooting event, OWS New York and Oakland, and other events. I am still undecided as to whether these events were faked as part of a gun control program or to sell more guns, especially the WTCs on 9-11. That happened. These same faces show up at each event. If you are interested, the 'Amy Winehouse is Lady Gaga' is a good start. These actors are in place for each of these events.

  2. "Many Americans are concerned about Obama not going to congress when he started a war with Israel or implementing Cap and trade with a law."

    Huh? When did Obama "start a war with Israel"? Hahahaha. I guess we could all dream it comes true....

    "Just remember these people cheering Obama selling tyranny are actors and hand picked Democrat suckers that would vote for Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot if they were on the president ticket. Do not be discouraged at the choreographed at this public relations stunt."

    Are you sure you haven't mistaken the Obama PR for the current disgusting Romney Staged Events and Vote Fraud?

