Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hank Williams Jr Fires Back with Song"Keep the Change" Responding Being Fired from Monday Night Football


  1. why must one type a verification text in response to a computer generated set of characters in order to comment?

  2. WAY TO GO HANK!!!

  3. calls em like I see' em....yeaaahhhh!

  4. Here is the video link of what he said to get fired...

  5. This is a great example of how the game works. Hank has a skill. News actors don't. When a news actor loses their job, they go where? They simply never work again. What I want to draw attention to is not the 'program'. People get fired for going off script. The script says, Ron Paul gets blacklisted. The script says we need an Iran war. On and on and on - what you are supposed to think, want, say, and do, has a script, and when you leave it, you pay for it. Who writes the script? I don't know. I can guess. What I do know is, somewhere someone some shadow government is writing the script, because we have one. This all leads to fighting back, but fighting back against who? The News Actors? They are slaves obeying the script. School teachers? They teach the script or get fired. Politicians? They push the script or get run out of office by the money going to their next opponent. The question of an enemy is simply this: Can they make a decision, think a thought, have an emotion off script, where they still have a job in the morning? I was watching a video where school teachers were training students to ignore 'conspiracy' on the internet. Not one teacher had the right to make a personal decision. They were all 'push script or be fired'. Hank fired back, yes, but he still proved - the people who are on tv, in congress, or allowed to speak - have an axe over their heads. I need to find the puppet master. To kill the snake, go for the head.

  6. Good on you, Bocephus, you stepped on the Zionist Jew landmine and survived. You're still the same, but Monday Night Football will never be the same.

    99% RULES!!

  7. Bocephus, (as he is affectionatly known) claims he was NOT fired, that he quit. So why all the animosity? Does this low IQ, dim witted,wannabe singer even know what he says?

  8. Anymouse, you really are a complete liar. First of all, Hank has had a musical career going back to the 1970s with over 20 chart topping hits. Wanna be singer huh?

    Secondly, his video was pulled from Monday Night Football after his remarks, so THEN he quit. You really shouldn't post comments that are easily proved as lies. No wonder you post under "anonymous".

  9. The Country as a Whole LOVES YA HANK!
    I really enjoy the way you told em off in the song "Keep The Change"!
    MNF will be begging you to come back once ESPN
    loses it.

  10. I enjoy the term of wannabe. It is a really choice statement on how the human mind actually works. Some person accomplishes whatever: they made it so to speak. Then someone calls them a total nothing. Especially the greats of history, from Hitler to Napoleon or Jesus. Someone calls them a dumbass. What an incredible statement on living in total delusion. If Hank or any other successful person is a nobody idiot - I would love to hear what you accomplished in your 'one human life'. This life for all of us does have perma-death. What did you accomplish? Even something relatively small? You built your own business from the ground up? How is it people who - let's just say it - failed in life, have such PRIDE? If you are so great as an actual failure, which includes good and bad - failure doing anything good, and also a failure as a great criminal, the world's most prolific rapist, never done one single thing ever. If they suck? OMG what does that make you? Honestly. Compared to the Hank basher, Hank is like Superman.
